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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/22

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p-ngan'jur, one who precedes, a guide.

an'sur, ber-an'sur, to progress.

ber-an'sur-an'sur, gradually.

an'tan, pestle of a mortar.

an-ta'ra (Sk.), between, among; an interval of time or space.

p-ngan-ta'ra, a go-between, mediator (X.).
s-man-ta'ra, while, whilst, daring.

an-te'ro (Port.), the whole, all, entire.

an-ting-an'ting, ear-drops.

an't-las or at'las (Ar.), satin.

an'tok, m-ngan'tok (103), to doze, sleep.

an'tok, ber-an'tok, to collide, strike against.

ba'tu ter-an'tok, stumbling block (X.).

a'nu, a certain (person or place).

si-a'nu, Mr. so-and-so.

a-nu'g-rah (Sk.), favour, grace, the gift of superior to an inferior. Sometimes nugralia.

a-nu'g-rah-kan (149), to give (to inferiors), bestow a favour.

a'nyam, m-nga'nyam, to plait, interlace (as basket work). Cf. slampet.

an-ya'ya (Sk.), tyranny, persecution, oppression.

a'nyut, drifting; see hanyut.

a'pa (18, 19), what?

a-pa-a'pa, whatever.
a-pa-bi'la, when.
a'pa fa'sal, why?
a'pa gu'na, what is the use?
a-pa-ka'la, when.
a'pa-lah, prithee, if you please.
a'pa ma'cham (19). what kind of?
a'pa s-bab', why?
ba-rarg-a'pa, whatever.
ti-dak a'pa, it is nothing, never mind.
b-b-ra'pa, some, several : however much (144).
b-ra'pa, how much, how many, however much or many (indefinite number).
s-b-ra'pa, as many as, as much as.
b-ta'pa, how? why?
k-na'pa, why?
m-nga'pa, why?
si-a'pa (18, 19), who?
ba'rang si-a'pa, whoever.
p-nga'pa-kan, to do something to a person.

a'pam (Tarn.), a thin cake made with flour.

a'pi, fire.

a-pi-a'pi, the generic name for several kinds of trees.
ba'ra a'pi, embers.
bu'nga a'pi, sparks, fireworks.
gu'nong a'pi, volcano.
ka'pal a'pi, steamship.
ka'yu a'pi, firewood.
k-re'ta a'pi, locomotive engine, railway.
p-ri'ok a'pi, bomb.
di-ma'kan a'pi, consumed by fire.

a'pil (Eng.), appeal.

a'pit, m-nga'pit, to press, nip, squeeze.

ber-a'pit, close together, in pairs.
p-nga'pit, a pinch of anything; (as snuff).