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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/21

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a-nak-n'da, a-nan'da, child, (polite form of anak).

a-nam' or ’nam', six. For derived forms see ampat.

ananas, see nanas.

an'bi-a (Ar.), prophets; plural of nabi.

an'chak, a plate or basket of bamboo in which offerings to the spirits are placed = (B.) lanchak.

bu-ang' an'chak, to put out offerings.

an'dam. m-ngan'dam (Pers.), to dress arrange (hair); fringe.

an'dang, torch of dry coco-nut leaves.

an-de'ka (Jav.), you, pronoun of the 2nd person, used in addressing superiors.

aneka, see anika.

a-ngan-a'ngan, thoughts, meditations, unsatisfied desires.

a-ngan-a'ngan ha'ti, conscience (X.).

ang'gal, light, buoyant, high in the water (of a ship).

ang'gok, m-ngang'gok, to nod or bow the head.

ang'gor, the grape vine.

ang-go'ta (Sk.), a member, limb, part of the body.

ang'grek, orchid.

a'ngin, wind.

am'bil a'ngin, see ambil.
cha'kap a'ngin, empty talk.
di a'tas a'ngin, windward, westtern lands.
di ba'wah a'ngin, leeward, Malayan lands.
ma'kan a'ngin, see ambil.
ma'ta a'ngin, the points of the compass.
po'kok a'ngin, a storm cloud.
a'ngin-kan, to dry in the air.

ang'ka (Sk.), a figure, arithmetical symbol.

ang'ka du'a, the figure two, sign of reduplication.

ang-ka'ra (Sk.), perverse, violent.

ang-ka'sa (Sk.), the sky, the heavens.

ang'kat, m-ngang'kat, -kan (55, 63), to lift up, raise.

ang'kat a'nak, to adopt a child.
a'nak ang'kat, adopted child.
ber-ang'kat, to depart.
ang'ka-tan, expedition, fleet of ships, caravan.
mang'kat, to die (court language).
pang'kat, stage, platform, tier, rank, position.

aig'kau or 'ng'kau (6, 8, 10), thou, thee, you.

ang'kop, tweezers, small pincers.

ang'kut, m-iyaiy'kut, to fetch and carry, carry piece by piece.

ang'sa (Sk.), goose.

an-ia'ya (Sk.), tyranny; see anyaya.

a-ni'ka (Sk.), of various sorts, all kinds of; also aneka.

an'jal, m-ngan'jal, to resist penetration, resist or throw back a weapon, cause to rebound. Cf. ambol.

an'jing, dog.

an'jong, a raised hall or verandah, cabins in the poop of a ship.

m-ngan'jong la-yang-la'yang, to throw a kite up in the air.

an'jur, m-ryan'jur, to project, stand out, precede.