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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/154

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t-lan', m-n-lan', to swallow.

t-lan'jang, naked, nude; also ber-t-lan'jang.

t-lan'ju (B.), while.

t-lan'jur, in the phrase:

ka'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, “the murder is out.” Cf. anjur.

t-li'nga, the ear; the handle of a cup. Cf. kuping.

da'’un t-li'nga, the external ear.
lo'bang t-li'nga, the orifice of the ear.
pa'sang t-li'nga, to listen.

t'l-kan, ber-t'l-kan, to lean on (a stick or other support).

t'lok, bay, gulf.

t'lok ran'tau, the sea-board, the coast of a country.

t-lor', egg.

t-lor' a'yam, a fowl's egg.
t-lor' a'sin, preserved eggs.
t-lor' i'kan, spawn, fish-roe.
ku'lit t-lor', eggshell.
me'rah t-lor', the yoke of an egg.
pu'teh t-lor', the white of an egg.
ber-t-lor', to lay an egg.

t-lun'jok and ja'ri t-lun'jok, the forefinger. Cf. tunjok.

t-lut', ber-t-lut', to kneel, kneel down. Cf. lutut.

t-m‘a' (Ar.), covetousness, avarice; to covet. Cf. loba.

t'man, companion, comrade. Cf. taulan and kawan.

t'man-kan, to accompany.

tm-ba'ga (Sk.), brass, copper.

tm-ba'ga ku'ning, brass.
tm-ba'ga me'rah, copper.
tm-ba'ga su-a'sa, an alloy of copper and gold.

tm-ba'kau (Port.), tobacco.

tm-be'kar, potsherds, broken crockery.

tm-be'rang, the shrouds.

tm'b-lang, addled (of eggs).

tm-bo'lok, the crop of a bird.

tm'bus, perforated, pierced. Cf. psok.

tm-bu'su, a timber tree.

t-mng'gong, a high office in a Malay State.

tm'pa, m-nm'pa, to forge.

tm'pat (135), place, locality; space, room.

tm'pat da'wat, inkstand.
tm'pat du'dok, seat, chair.
tm'pat k-di-a'man, place of abode.
tm'pat man'di, bathroom.
tm'pat si'reh, betel-nut tray.
tm'pat ti'dor, bed.
b-ri tm'pat, to make room.

tm-pa'yan, a large earthenware jar, larger than a buyong.

tm'pek, a loud cry.

tm'pek so'rak, loud cries, usually of soldiers fighting.

tm-pe'leng, a box on the ear.

tm-pi'as, driven rain, spray.

tm-pi'nis, a timber tree.

tm'p-lak, m-nm'p-lak, to convince of a fault, reproach. Cf. tgur.

tm'poh, m-nm'poh, to strike against, dash against, assault, storm (as waves striking anything, or an army attacking).

tm-pu'a, the weaver bird.

tm-pu'rong, a piece of coco-nut shell; hence, the skull.