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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/121

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sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins.
sau-da'ra du'a pu'pu, second cousins.

pu'pus, bereft.

pu'put, to blow, make a blast of air. Cf. hmbus and tiop.

pu'pu-tan, bellows.

pu-ra-pu'ra, in pretence, pretending, feigning, sham, hypocritical.

pu'ru, sore, ulcer. Cf. bisul and barah.

ka'tak pu'ru, a toad.

pusaka, see psaka.

pu'sar, to cause to revolve horizontally.

pu'sa-ran a'ngin, whirlwind.

pu'sat, the navel; the centre of a thing.

pu'sing, ber-pu'sing, to revolve, turn round (intrans.). Cf. idar.

pu'sing k-pa'la, giddy, confused. Cf. pning and bingong.
pu'sing-kan, to cause to revolve.

pus-ta'ka (Sk.), a book of charms or magic formulæ.

pu'tar, m-mu'tar, to turn, cause to revolve. Cf. kisar and pusing.

pu'tar ba'lek, fickle, vacillating, capricious.
pu'ta-ran, windlass, capstan.

pu'teh, white.

pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed.
pu'teh t-lor', the white of an egg.
ha'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience.
o'rang pu'teh, European.
pu'teh-kan, to bleach.

pu'tek, fruit when just set.

pu'ting, the pointed end of anything made to fit into a hole; a plug.

pu'ting b-li'ong, water-spout.

pu't-ra (88) (Sk.), son (of a king), prince.

pu't-ri (88) (Sk.), daughter (of a king), princess.

pu'tus, m-mu'tus, -kan, broken by tension (as ropes), broken off, discontinued, ceased, finished, ended; to break by tension, end, conclude.

pu'tus a'sa, without hope, in despair.
pu'tus bi-cha'ra, to end a consultation by coming to a decision.
putus harap = putus asa.
pu'tus hu'kum, to pass judgment, pronounce sentence.
pu'tus nya'wa, to die.
ti-a'da ber-k-pu'tu-san, without interruption, without ceasing, without end.

pu'yoh, quail.


ra‘ayat, see r‘ayat.

ra'ba, m-ra'ba, to feel, touch, fumble, grope.

rab'bi (Ar.), my Lord, Lord.

ra'bek (B.), to tear, rend.

ra'bit, frayed, torn at the edge.

ra'bok, tinder, touchwood.

ra'borg, ridge pieces on atap roofs.

ra'bu, ha'ri ra'bu, Wednesday = rbu.

ra'bun, m-ra'bun, to smoke, fumigate.

ra'chun, poison. Cf. bisa.

k'na ra'chun, to be poisoned.

ma'kan ra'chun, to take poison.

ra'dak, m-ra'dak, -kan, to thrust, poke (as with a spear).