pu'chok, a shoot, sprout; numerical coefficient of letters and firearms (84).
pu'chong, the purple heron.
pu'ja (Sk.), to perform religious ceremonies (only used of Hindu rites).
pu'ji, m-mu'ji (Sk.), praise, commendation; to praise, laud, glorify.
pu'ji-an, words of praise or commendation.
pu-ji-pu'ji-an, the complimentary introduction to a Malay letter.
pu'jok, m-mu' jok, to coax, entice, persuade; also bujok.
pu'kat, m-mu'kat, a seine net: to fish with the seine net.
pu'kol, m-mu'kol, to strike, hit, beat, knock; also used of the hours in reckoning time. Cf. palu, gasak, bdal.
pu'kol b-ra'pa (37), what time is it?
pu'kol du'a, two o'clock.
pu'kol ka'wat, to telegraph.
pu'la, again, moreover, in addition, over again.
pu'lang (49), to return, go back to the place a person or thing came from, go home. Cf. balek and kmbali.
pu'lang-kan, to return, send back, restore.
pu'las, m-mu'las, to wring, twist.
pu-la'san, an edible fruit, similar to the rambutan.
pu'lau, an island.
pu'leh, recovered, restored, reestablished.
pu'loh, a numeral which forms the multiples of ten; in speaking of indefinite numbers this word is used as we say “dozens” or “scores.”
du'a pu'loh, twenty.
s-pu'loh, ten.
da'lam s-pu'loh sa'tu, one in ten, a tithe.
pu'lut, glutinous rice; also bras pulut.
pun', also, and, even. Cf. dan.
a'da pun (133), a punctuation word.
ms'ki pun, although.
s-kali pun (144), even.
s’o'rarg pun ti-a'da, no one.
sung'goh pun (144), although.
pu'nai, green pigeons.
pun'cha, the corner of a cloth or garment, end of a rope. Cf. panchong.
pun'chak, top, point, summit; usually kmunchak.
pun-di-pun'di, purse, money-bag.
pung'gah, m-mung'gah, to unload, discharge cargo.
pung'gok, an owl.
pung'gong, the back or hind part of a thing, the back of a knife, the buttocks. Cf. buntut and pantat.
pu'ngut, m-mu'ngut, to pick up, take up, gather, glean.
pu'ngut chu'kai, to collect taxes.
pun'tau (B.) (Chin.), dust pan.
pun-ti-a'nak, a kind of evil spirit.
pun'tong, a half-burnt log or stick, the stump of a cigar.
pu'nya (12, 14, 15, 24), the possessive particle. Cf. ampunya.
pu'pu, a degree of relationship.