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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/109

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o'rang du'sun, a man from the country.
o'rang ga'ji, a hired man, servant.
o'rang gi'la, lunatic.
o'rang hu'lu, people of the interior.
o'rang hu'tan, wild man of the jungle, uncouth fellow.
o'rang Is'lam, a Mohammedan.
o'rang ja'ga, a watchman.
o'rang ja'min, one who stands bail.
o'rang ka'fir, unbelievers (non-Mohammedans), a term of opprobrium.
o'rang ka'ya, rich man; a title of Malay chiefs.
o'rang k-ba'nya-kan, the common people, the majority.
o'rang Kris'ten, Christians.
o'rang ku'lit hi'tam, dark-skinned races.
o'rang la'ut, sea-faring men, a tribe of Malays.
o'rang li'ar, wild tribes.
o'rang ma'na, which man? who?
o'rang ma'ti, a corpse. Cf. mayat.
o'rang mu'da, young man, youth.
o'rang mu’'min, the faithful, believers.
o'rang pen'dek, a short person.
o'rang pu'teh, white-skinned races, Europeans.
o'rang sa'kai, an aboriginal tribe of the Malay Peninsula.
o'rang sa'lah, convict, prisoner.
o'rang s-kam'pong, neighbours.
o'rang S-ra'ni, Eurasian. Cf. nsrani.
o'rang t'ngah, middle-man, mediator.
o'rang tu'a, old man, father, parents.
o'rang u'pa-han, day labourer, hired-man.
ba'nyak o'rang, many persons.
bu'kan ba-rang-ba'rang o'rang, no ordinary man, a remarkable person.
her'ta o'rang, another person's property.
ka'ta o'rang, it is said. Cf. konun.
neg'ri o'rang, a country other than one's own.
s’o'rang, a person, someone.
s’o'rang a'kan s’o'rang, with one another.
s’o'rang di'ri, alone.
s’o'rang du'a, one or two persons.
s’o'rang l'pas s’o'rang, one after another.
s’o'rang s’o'rang, one at a time.
ba'rang s’o'rang, whoever.

o'tak, brain.

o'tak tu'lang, marrow.

o'to (B.) (Chin. io-tó·), binder for children.

o'yong, ter-o'yong-o'yong, swaying, staggering.


pa', father. Cf. bapa and ayah.

pa'chai, species used on bodies when buried.

pa'chal, slave.

pa'chat, the small jungle leech.

pa'chu, m-ma'chu, a spur, goad; to spur on, urge on.

pa'da, sufficient, satisfactory. Cf. chukop.

m-ma'da’i, to suffice.

pa'da, at, on, to, according to.

deri-pada, see deri.
k-pa'da, to (usually of persons).