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Syair Dagang

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Syair Dagang
oleh Hamzah Fansuri

[ 25 ]

سني تراولڠ٢
عقل يڠ بايک هابسله هيلڠ
ولا نصيب هندي دان تولن
تياد اک فرسيه يڠ ستياون
سمواڽ هابس منجاد لاون
هابسله عقل سهيا دان تون
فريڽ انتڠ نصيب چلاک
حرام سݢال تيدق اورڠ سڠک

[ 26 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/26 [ 27 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/27 [ 28 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/28 [ 29 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/29 [ 30 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/30 [ 31 ]Page:(Collective volume with texts in Malay (I-VIII) The first story only of the Hikayat Bakhtiyar ; and other texts) Or. 3374.pdf/31 [ 32 ]

سورة سده ... ترمنوڠ
تركنل همب كفد انتڠ
سببله باڽق اوتڠ تركنتوڠ
دند انق سودر سمواڽ بوهوڠ
انيله سراتن سيتمࢨر هين
سدڠ مڽورة برهات هيب