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Malay-English Vocabulary/I

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2454Malay-English Vocabulary — IW. G. Shellabear


i'a, he, she, it, they; also dia.

i'a’i'tu (17), that, that one; that is to say, namely.
i'a’i'ni (17), this, this one.

‘i-ba'dat (Ar.), worship, adoration, piety, devotion. Cf. smbahyang.

‘i-ba'rat (Ar.), metaphor, figure; explanation, interpretation. Cf. kias.

am'bil 'i-ba'rat, to use a metaphor.

ib'lis (Ar.), the devil, Satan. Cf. shaitan.

ib'ni, ib'nu or bin' (Ar.), son; usually anak.

i'bol, a kind of palm tree.

‘Ib-ra'ni (Ar.), Hebrew.

i'bu, mother. Cf. mak and indok.

i'bu a'yam, hen.
i'bu ba'pa, parents.
i'bu ja'ri, thumb.
i'bu ka'ki, great toe.
s-i'bu s-ba'pa, of the same father and mother.

i'dah, bridal present.

i'dam, mng-i'dam, to long for (of pregnant women).

i'dap, chronic disease.

i'dar, ber-i'dar, to revolve, go round in a circle. Cf. pusing.

bin'tang ber-i'dar, a planet.
i'dar-kan or per-i'dar-kan, to pass or send round, especially of food.
per-i' da-ran, revolution.
per-i' da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, period of time.

id'dah (Ar., number), the number of days or fixed time that a woman may not marry after divorce or the death of her husband.

idhin, see izin.

‘if'rit (Ar.), demon, evil spirit. Cf. jin and hantu.

i'gal, m-ngi'gal, to spread the tail, as peacocks and turkeys.

igama, see agama.

i'gau, m-ngi'gau, to talk in one's sleep, have bad dreams.

ih'wal (Ar.), plural of hal, q.v.

i'jok, the coarse fibre of the kabong (sugar palm), used for making rope.

i'kal, wavy (of hair). Cf. kreting.

i'kan, fish.

i'kan b-la'lang, flying fish.
i'kan k-ring', dried fish. Cf. da'ing.
i'kan lum-ba-lum'ba, porpoise.
i'kan pa'us, whale.
i'kan to'dak, sword-fish.
i'kan yu', shark.
nya-wa'nya'wa i'kan, more dead than alive.

i'kat, m-ngi'kat, -kan, a bundle; to tie, fasten. Cf. berkas.

i'kat ping'gang, belt.
i'kat p-ri'gi, the masonry with which a well is lined.
i'kat ru'mah, to build a house (of brick or masonry).
i'ka-tan, fastenings.

ikh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere; also ekhlas.

ikh'ti-ar (Ar.). choice, decision, opinion. ik'rar (Ar.), fixed, settled. Cf. krar.

i'kut, m-mgi'kut, to follow, imitate, obey. Cf. turut.

ber-i-kut-i'kut, in succession.

i'lah (Ar.), God, a god.

i-la'hi (Ar.), divine; my God.

il'ham (Ar.), divine inspiration.

il'ham-kan, to impart divine inspiration.

‘il'mu (Ar.), knowledge, scholarship, science.

ber-‘il'mu, learned, scholarly.

i'mam (Ar.), priest.

i'mam b-sar', high priest (X.).

i'man (Ar.), belief, faith, creed, religion; the Mohammedan faith.

ba'wa i'man, to embrace the faith, become a Mohammedan.

im'pit, m-ngim'pit, to press, squeeze. Cf. apit, tkan, tindeh.

i'nai, henna, a red dye.

i'nang, nurse; also i-nang'da (court language). Cf. asoh.

in-che’', a title equivalent to the English Mr.; also ’n-che’' and che’.

in'chi (Eng.), an inch.

in'dah, beautiful, attractive, important, valuable, precious; also in-dah-in'dah.

in'dah-kan, to value, pay attention to, care about.

in'dok and in'dorg, mother; chiefly used in the phrases:

in'dok ma'du, honeycomb.
in'dok mu-ti-a'ra, mother of pearl.
in'dok su't-ra, cocoon of the silk-worm.

in'd-ra (Sk.),' the name of a Hindu deity.

K'in'd-ra'an, the heaven of Indra. This word is often confused with kndara'an, q.v.

i'ngar, noise, clamour.

i'ngat, m-ngi'ngat, to remember, think, pay attention, heed.

i'ngat-ingat, take care, be cautious.
b-ri' i'ngat, to remind, caution.
i'gat-kan, to remind a person.
i'nga-tan, attention, thoughts.
ter-i'ngat, remembered.
per-i'nga-tan, a reminder, memento.

Ing'g-ris (Eur.), English.

i'ngin (148), to desire, covet. Cf. rindu.

k’ingi-nan, desires, longings.

Ing'lan, neg'ri Ing'lan, England.

i'ngus, mucus from the nose.

bu-ang' i'gus, to blow one's nose.

i'ni (16), this, these.

i'ni ha'ri, today.
i'ni ju'ga, this very thing; at this very time, just now.
a'ku ini, I (emphatic).
s-ka'rang i'ni, just now.
si'ni and di si'ni, here.

in'jak, m-ngin'jak, to tread on. Cf. pijak and irek.

in'jil (Ar.), Gospel, the New Testament.

in'jin (Eng.), engine, machine. Cf. jntra and psawat.

in'saf (Ar.), justice, equity, fairness. Cf. ‘adil.

in'san (Ar.), man, mankind; usually manusia.

in'sha’ Allah (Ar.), please God, God willing; also insha’llah. in'tai, m-ngin'tai, -kan, to spy, peep at, watch for, peep into; also hlntai.

in'tan, diamond.

i'par, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.

i'poh, the upas tree; the poison made from that and other trees for poisoning darts.

i-ra'dat (Ar.), the will or decrees of God.

‘I'rak (Ar.), Mesopotamia.

i'rek, m-ngi'rek, to stamp on, thresh by trampling on. Cf. injak and pijak.

peng-i're-kan, threshing floor.

i'ri, i'ri ha'ti, spite, malevolence.

i'ring, m-ngi'ring, to accompany, escort. Cf. hantar.

i'ring, i'ri-ngan, side, see ereng.

I-ro'pah, Europe = Airopah.

‘Isa (Ar.), Jesus.

‘i'sha (Ar., evening), one of the lima waktu, or five periods of prayer; also sm-bah'yang ‘i'sha.

i-sha'rat (Ar.), a signal, sign. Cf. tanda.

i-sha'rat-kan, and b-ri' i-sha'rat, to make a sign. Cf. lambai.

i'si, contents.

i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of the world, the whole world.
i'si kah'win, dowry.
i'si ki'tab, contents of a book.
i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a city.
i'si p-rot', intestines.
i'si ru'mail, family, household.
ber-i'si, containing; to contain. Cf. muat'.
i'si-kan and m-ngi'si, to fill, load.

Is-kan'dar (Ar.), Alexander.

Is'lam (Ar.), Mohammedan.

a-ga'ma Is'lam, the Mohammedan religion.
ma'sok Is'lam, to become a Mohammedan.
is'lam-kan, to make a person a Mohammedan.

isnin, see ithnain.

is-ta'na (Sk.), palace; also astana.

is-tang'gi (Sk.), incense; usually stanggi.

is-ti-‘a'dat (Ar.), custom.

is-ti-me'wa, especially.

is-ting'gar (Port.), matchlock.

is-tin'ja (Ar.), ablutions after evacuation.

is't-ri (Sk.), wife (more respectful than bini).

ber-is't-ri, to have a wife, be married.
ber-is't-ri-kan, to take to wife, marry a woman.

i'tek, duck.

a'yam i'tek, poultry.

ith'nain, is'nin or s-nin' (Ar., second), Monday; usually ha'ri is'nin.

i'tu (16), that, those.

si'tu and di si'tu, there.

i'zin (Ar. idhin), permission, leave.

b-ri' i'zin, to give leave or permission.
min'ta i'zin, to ask leave, or permission.