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kindred ideas. They are employed mostly with reduplicated forms. Their derivatives are nouns and adjectives as well as verbs:[1]

-r-. jubong, jĕrubong a stretch of awning over cargo; chondong leaning, aslant, chondĕrong leanings (of the heart); kuping, kĕruping a scab; gondong, gĕrondong permanent swelling, goitre; jongkah jagged, jěrongkah jagged (of a mouthful of teeth); kědut, kĕrdut wrinkled; kusut, kĕrusut entangled: sabut fibre, sěrabut fibrous; kas (old Javanese), kĕras hard; kibas shake, kĕribas shake thoroughly; kělip, kěrlip twinkle; kuit, kĕruit wag; titek drop, tĕritek drop continually; sadong, sĕradong trip up; kĕmut (normal) throb of the pulse, gěrěmut (faster) throb of a boil; sendeng, sĕrendeng heel right over.

-l-. biku zigzag, běliku a river bend; kebak, kĕlebak gaping (of a deep cut); kěmbong inflated, kělěmbong a bubble, a blister; tingkah conduct, tělingkah line of conduct; sirat, sělirat mesh-work; kangkang a-straddle, kělangkang the perineum; kědut crumpled, kělědut much crumpled; gĕtar tremble, gělětar (also gěmětar and gěměntar) prolonged trembling; gigit bite, gěligit keep biting; gosok rub, gělosok keep rubbing; kupas peel, kělupas keep peeling; kětak, kětok rap, kělětak, kělětok keep rapping; sidek search, sĕlidek keep searching, search thoroughly; siseh, sĕliseh quarrel one with another.

These single or simple affixes or ‘affixes of the first degree’ may be traced in a few sets of words like adu contest, madu rival, padu weld; alang across, cross, malang thwarting, vexatious, palang cross (kayu palang cross-bar), kalang or galang roller, thwarts; ělok curve, pělok embrace,

  1. Dr. Fokker remarks that all infixes seem to be nothing but shifted prefixes, found in words where the infixing conveys greater facility of pronunciation. So and interchanging with li and ri, are common prefixes lě-ng-kiang, re-ng-kiang rice-holder; ri-mau (the roarer) tiger, -ěm- will be identical with and -in- or -ing- with i + ng, i + n.