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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/96

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ma'‘af (Ar.), pardon, forgiveness. Also pronounced mahap. Cf. ampun.

min'ta ma'‘af, to ask pardon.
ma'‘af-kan, to pardon, forgive.

ma'bok, intoxicated, stupified, drunk.

ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood.
ma'bok la'ut, sea-sick.

ma'cham, kind, sort, method, manner. Cf. bagai and jnis.

ma'cham-ma'cham, of various kinds, all sorts.
a'pa ma'cham (18, 19), what kind of?

ma'dam (Eur.), a lady.

ma'dat, opium prepared for smoking. Cf. apiun and chandu.

hi'sap ma'dat, to smoke opium.

madh'hab (Ar.), sect; usually maz'hab.

ma'du (Sk.), honey.

a'yer ma'du, honey.
in'dok ma'du, honey-comb.

maf-hum' (Ar.), understood; usually mfaham.

magh'rib (Ar.), the sun-setting, the West; usually barat.

ma'ha (Sk.), great, in the following expressions:

ma'ha b-sar', very great.
ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty.
ma'ha mu-li'a, most excellent.
ma'ha mu'rah, most gracious.
ma'ha-ra'ja, a great prince.
ma'ha ting'gi, most high.

ma-hal', dear, high priced, difficult to obtain.

her'ga ma-hal', a high price.

ma-ha-li'gai (Tam.), palace; also maligai.

ma'hap, to forgive, see ma‘af.

ma'hir (Ar.), skilful, expert.

mah-ka'mah (Ar.), court of justice, tribunal.

mai'dan (Ar., arena), battlefield.

ma'in, ber-ma'in, to play, amuse oneself, jest; to play musical instruments; game, amusement.

ma'in cha'tur, to play chess.
ma'in ga'sing, to play tops.
ma'in gi'la, to play the fool.
ma'in ju'di, to gamble.
ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at a person.
ma'in su'ling, to play the flute.
ma'in wa'yang, to act in a play.
per-ma'i-nan, a game, sport, entertainment.

ma'j-lis' (Ar.), session, audience, assembly, council.

ma'ju (Jav.), to go forward, progress.

ma'jus (Ar.), magian, fire worshipper.

mak', mother; also ibu.

mak'-ba'pa, parents.
mak' mu'da, and mak' sau-da'ra, aunt.
mak' ti'ri, step-mother.

ma'ka (133), a punctuation word.

ma'kam (Ar.), a grave.

ma'kan, m-ma'kan, to eat, consume, corrode, absorb.

ma'kan a'ngin, to go for an airing or pleasure excursion.
ma'kan chan'du, to take opium, smoke opium.
ma'kan da'lam, to penetrate (as rust, acids or sharp things).