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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/88

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ber-la'boh, to anchor.
la'bo-han, anchorage.

la'bu, pumpkin, gourd.

la'bur, in its derivative:

p-la'bur, rations, supplies served out.

la'chi (D.), a drawer = (B.), toak.

la'da, pepper.

la'da me'rah, red pepper, cayenne pepper. Cf. chabai.
la'da pu'teh, white pepper.
la'da chi'na, the chili, red pepper. Cf. chabai.

la'dang, cultivated fields, dry rice fields, as opposed to sawah, q.v. Cf. bndang and huma.

la'ga, ber-la'ga, to collide, strike together (of large bodies, as animals fighting).

la'gam, a horse's bit. Cf. kang.

la'gi (40, 89), more, still, yet, again.

la'gi hi'dop, still alive.
la'gi s-ka'li, once more.
a'pa la'gi, what else, how much the more.
b-lum' la'gi, not yet.
b-ra'pa la'gi, how many more.
s-la'gi, as long as, while.
s-di'kit la'gi, a little more.

la'gu, tune.

lah' (3 b), an expletive suffix which is usually joined to the verb or some emphatic word in a sentence.

la'hir (Ar. tla'hir), visible, outward, exoteric; as opposed to batin, inward.

lai, numeral coefficient of thin or flat objects; also hlai.

la'in, other, different; exclusive of; difference.

m-la'in-kan, but, on the contrary, on the other hand. Cf. hanya.
ber-la'in-an, diverse, differing from.

la'jak, go forward, push ahead (as a boat).

la'ju, rapid, moving swiftly (as boats, carriages, etc.). Cf. dras.

la'ki, husband.

la'ki bi'ni, husband and wife.
la-ki-la'ki (87), male, masculine = (B.) dlaki. Cf. jantan.
ber-la'ki, having a husband married (of women).
ber-la'ki-kan, to marry, be married to (of women).

lak'sa (Sk.) (33), ten thousand.

lak-sa-ma'na (Sk.), admiral.

lak-sa'na (Sk.), like, resembling.

la'ku, ber-la'ku, action, conduct, style, manner of doing a thing; to take place, happen, occur, pass current, sell readily.

s-la'ku i'ni, in this manner, thus.
la'ku-kan, to bring to pass, execute, carry out.
la'ku-kan di'ri, to behave oneself, comport oneself, act.
k-la'ku-an, behaviour, action.

la'lai, a state of semi-consciousness; hence, listless, careless, negligent.

ter-la'lai, in a semi-conscious state.
la'lai-kan, to neglect, disregard.

la'lang, a very coarse grass.

la'lu la'lang, to pass and repass.

la'lat, the common house-fly.

ta'hi lalat, moles, freckles.