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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/77

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ber-k-dai,' to keep a shop.
o'rang ber-k-dai,' shopkeeper.

k-dal', a skin disease causing white patches on the hands and feet, sometimes described as a form of leprosy. Cf. kusta.

k-dang', m-ng-dang', to stretch out (the hands).

k-dar' and ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, proportion, extent, amount.

d'ngan k-dar'-nya, proportionately.
s-k-dar,' in proportion to, to the extent of.

k-dut', a wrinkle, crease. Cf. kchut and krut.

ke'chek, persuasive, coaxing, importunate.

ke'chi (Eng., ketch), a small sailing vessel,

ke'ju (Port.), cheese.

ke'lang, a pair of rollers, hence a roller mill for sugar, tapioca, etc.

ke'lek, to carry under the arm.

ke'long, fishing-stakes; see also blat.

ken'dong, m-ngen'dong, to carry in a fold of one’s clothes. Cf. kandong.

ke'peng, a small coin.

ker'bau, buffalo.

ker'chut, reed grass.

ker'ja (Sk.), work, employment, business, festivities.

b-k-er'ja, to work, be engaged in business or in festivities.
ker'ja-kan, to carry out, accomplish, execute; to hold festivities or perform ceremonies for a person (as marriage, circumcision or a funeral) ; to murder by command of a raja, execute.
p-ker'ja’an, work, occupation, action

ker'ling, m-nger'ling, to look out of the corners of the eyes, give a sidelong glance.

ker'na (Sk. karana) (140), because, for, owing to. Cf. sbab.

ker'sek, coarse sand; also krisek. Cf. pasir.

ker'tak, ker'tak gi'gi, to grind the teeth.

ker'tas (Ar.), paper.

ker'tas km-bang' and ker'tas lap’, blotting paper.

ke'sah (Ar.), tale, story, narrative.

al-ke'sah (133), a punctuation word.

kha'bar (Ar.) (155, 159), news, tidings, information, knowledge of fact. Cf. brita and werta.

kha'bar a'ngin, unreliable information, false rumours.
kha'bar ba'ik, good news.
a'pa kha'bar, what is the news? the usual Malay salutation, the reply to which is, khabar baik.
su'rat kha'bar, newspaper. Cf.akhbar.
ti-a'da kha'bar a'kan di'ri-nya, in a state of unconsciousness.
kha'bar-kan, to relate, narrate, inform. Cf. b'ri tahu.

kha'dim (Ar.), servant, attendant.

kha-la'si (Pers.), sailor.

kha-la'yak (Ar. khala’ik), creatures, created things.