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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/71

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head in token of submission, hence:

jun'jong du'li, lit., to put the dust of a king's feet on one's head, to do obeisance.
jun'jong ti'tah, to obey a king's command.
jun'jo-ngan, the person to whom one does obeisance, lord; used in Malay writings of Mohammed.

jun'tai, ber-jun'tai, hanging down loosely (of the legs, clothes, etc.).

ju'ru, a skilled workman, an expert in the following expressions:

ju'ru b-ha'sa, an interpreter.
ju'ru ba'tu, second mate on a vessel.
ju'ru kun'chi, turnkey, steward.
ju'ru ma'sak, a cook.
ju'ru mu'di, steersman, quarter-master.
ju'ru s-la'mat, Saviour (X.).
ju'ru tu'lis, a clerk, secretary.
pn-ju'ru, a corner, angle.

ju'rus, a brief interval of time.

s-ju'rus la'ma-nya, for a moment.

jus'ta (B.), false, untrue = dusta.

ju'ta (Sk.) (33), a million.

juz' (Ar.), one of the 30 portions into which the Koran is divided.


k, a prefixed used in forming the ordinal numbers (34), and certain derived nouns (126-128).

k- (27, 149), to (usually of places).

k'a'tas, on to, upwards.
k-da'lam, into.
k-ma'na, whither, where?
k-ma'ri, hither.
k-pa'da (149), to (usually of persons).
k-sa'na, thither, there.

k‘a'bah (Ar.), the name of the sanctuary in the great mosque at Mecca, the temple at Mecca; the temple at Jerusalem.

kabar, see khabar.

ka'bol (Ar.), assenting, content; to assent, accept, agree.

ka'bol-kan, to approve a thing.

ka'bong, a measure of length for cloth a length of white cotton material, folded and laid on the shoulder as a sign of mourning. Cf. kadut.

per-ka'bo-ngan, mourning.

ka'bong, the sugar palm.

ka'bot, mist, obscurity; obscure, dim, dark. Cf. kabur.

k-lam' ka'bot, pitch dark.

ka'bu-ka'bu, the cotton tree which produces kapok.

ka'bur, dim (of light or of the eyesight). Cf. kabot.

ka'bus, indistinct, dimly seen.

ka'cha (Sk.), glass (the material of that name). Cf. chermin and glas.

ka'chak, smart, neat, dapper.

ka'chang, beans, peas.

ka'chang ben'de, “lady's fingers.”
ka'chang go'ring, roasted pea nuts.
ka'chang kayu, the Indian dall.
ka'chang pa'rang, a very large bean.