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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/59

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ha'wa (Ar.), love, passion, desire; usually brahi.

ha'wa naf'su, carnal desires.

ha'yat (Ar.), life, vitality, the vital spark. Cf. hidop.

s-la'gi a'da hay'at, while I yet live.
ber-ha'yat, having life.

he' (132), an interjection; oh!

hebat, see haibat.

he'ja (Ar.), mng-he'ja, spelling, orthography; to spell; also eja.

he'la, mng-he'la, -kan, to drag, draw. Cf. tarek and seret.

he'lak, mng-he'lak, to dodge, evade; also elak.

he'lak-kan, to ward off, parry.

hemat, see himmat.

hen'ti or hn'ti, chiefly found in its derivatives:

ber-hen'ti, to stop, stay, cease, rest; (B.) brenti and rnti.
ti-a'da ber-hen'ti, incessantly.
ber-hen'ti-kan l'lah, to rest after fatigue.
per-hen'ti-an, rest, resting place.

herdek, see hardek.

her'ga (Sk.), value, price.

her'ga ma'ti, fixed price.
her'ga murah, a low price.
b-ra'pa her'ga? what price?
ta'roh her'ga, to fix the price.
ber-her'ga or b-her'ga, valuable.

her'ta (Sk.), property, goods.

her'ta bn'da, valuables, goods and chattels.
her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods.

hi'as, ber-hi'as, ornamented, decorated; (B.) brias and rias.

mng-hi'as and hi'a-si, to adorn, ornament, decorate, fit out, prepare.
per-hi'a-san, ornamentation, attire, trappings.

hi'bur, mng-hi'bur, -kan, to comfort, console.

png-hi'bur, a person or thing which gives consolation or solace; the Comforter (X.).
png-hi'bu-ran, comfort, consolation.

hi'dang, mng-hi'dang, to serve food.

hi-da'ngan, courses (at a meal).
ma'kan s-hi-da'ngan, to eat of the same course, eat together.

hi'dong, nose, snout. Cf. munchong.

ba'tang hi'dong, the bridge of the nose.
lo'bang hi'dong, nostrils.

hi'dop, alive, living; fresh, as opposed to dried, preserved or canned; to live, have life. Cf. hayat.

hi'dop pu'la, restored to life.
d'ngan hi'dop-nya, alive.
i'kan hi'dop, fresh fish; as opposed to ikan kring, dried fish.
la'gi hi'dop, still alive.
s-u'mor hi'dop, all one's life.
su'su hi'dop, fresh milk as opposed to tinned milk.
hido-pi and hi'dop-kan, to preserve a person's life, restore life.
k-hi'do-pan, means of livelihood.

hi'jau, green.

hij'rat (Ar.) (166), the Hegira, the Mohammedan era. Also hajrat.

hi-ka'yat (Ar.), narrative, story, history. Cf. chertra.

hik'mat (Ar.), wisdom, knowledge, science, medicine;