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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/53

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gm-ba'la, shepherd; see gombala.

gm-be'ra, excited, excitement.

gmilang, see gilang.

gmntar, see gntar.

gm'pa, shaking, quaking, especially of earthquakes.

gm'pa bu'mi, earthquake.

gm'par, tumult, uproar, riot.

gm-pi'ta (Sk.), loud, roaring (of noises) usually in the phrase:

g-gap gm-pi'ta or g-gak gm-pi'ta, a loud confused noise.

g-mok', fat, corpulent, stout; fertile (of soil). Cf. tambon.

g-m-rn'cheng, clattering, clanking.

gmtar, see gtar.

gmuroh, see guroh.

g-nap', complete, entire, consummated, even (of numbers). Cf. ganjil, odd.

s-g-nap', the whole, all.
s-g-nap dun'ia, the whole world.
s-g-nap' ha'ri, the whole day.
s-ri'bu g-nap', exactly a thousand.
g-na'pi, to complete, accomplish, consummate.

gn'dang, a long cylindrical shaped drum; also gndrang.

gn'd-rang, a large drum; see gndang.

gng'gam, the closed hand, fist.

s-gng'gam, a handful.
gng'ga-man, the grasp.

gn'ta (Sk.), a bell; usually locheng.

gn'tar and g-mn'tar, to tremble, especially with fear; also g'tar and g-m'tar.

gn'ting, a roofing tile.

a'tap gn'ting, a tile roof.

goa' (B.) (Chin.) (10), I, me.

go'a and go'ha, a cave.

go'choh, mng-go'choh, to strike with the fist. Cf. tumbok.

ber-go'choh, fighting with the fists, boxing.

go'lek, ber-go'lek, to turn or roll backwards and forwards (as a fowl on a spit, or a boat rolling). Cf. guling, giling and gelek.

go'lek-kan, to roll or turn anything backwards and forwards.

go'lok (Penang), a chopping knife = parang.

gom-ba'la (Sk.), a shepherd, herdsman; a pastor (X.).

gom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends poultry.
gom-ba'la-kan, to herd, tend animals.

gon'chang, mng-gon'chang, -kan, to shake with more or less rapidity or violence. Cf. goyang.

ber-gon'chang, trembling, shaking (intrans.).

gon'dah, uneasy, anxious.

pa'sang gon'dah, neap tide.

gon'dok, goitre.

gondol, bald, bare-headed, bare of leaves (of trees), bare of vegetation (as hills). Cf. botak.

gong', a gong.

gong'gong, mng-gong'gong, carry in the mouth (as a dog).

goni, see guni.