gan'ti-kan, to succeed, take the run over by the wheels of a place of a person.
gan'tong, ber-gan'tong, to hang, suspend; to rely upon.
gan'tong-kan, to hang up.
ga'nyut, hard, not mealy after cooking (of bad potatoes).
ga'ram, salt.
tm'pat ga'ram, salt cellar.
ga'ra-mi, to salt, cure.
ga'rang, fierce, savage, furious. Cf. ganas.
ga'rau, loud, deep, hoarse (of sounds).
gar'fu (Port.), a fork.
gar'ham, see gerham.
ga'ring, a basket slung on the back.
ga'ris, a scratch, score, groove, incised mark = goris.
mng-ga'ris, to score, make a scratch.
ga'rok, mng-ga'rok, to scratch, scrape.
png-ga'rok, scraper, rake, currycomb.
ga'rut, a scratch. Cf. garis.
ga'sak, mng-ga'sak, to beat, strike with a stick. Cf. bdal.
ga'sing, a child's top.
ma'in ga'sing, to play tops.
ga'tal, itchy, itching; the itch; also lascivious.
ga'yong, a ladle made out of a coco-nut shell. Cf. chebok, which has no handle.
g-dong', storehouse, barn. Cf. gudang.
ge'lek, mng-ge'lek, to roll with a roller or rolling pin; to be run over by the wheels of a carriage. Cf. giling.
ge'leng, mng-ge'leng, to shake the head.
ger'bang, the gate of a fortress, town or castle; also pin'tu ger'bang.
ger'bang, mng-ger'bang, to let down the hair in disorder.
ge'rek, mng-ge'rek, to bore, drill.
png-ge'rek, a drill.
ger-ga'ji (Sk.), saw.
ger-ga'si, a fabulous race of giants.
ger'ham, a double tooth, molar; cf. gigi.
tu'lang ger'ham, jaw bone.
gerhana, see grahana.
ger'sek, coarse sand, gravel. Also kersek.
ger'tak, mng-ger'tak, to stamp, strike with the feet (as a person urging on a horse), strike weapons together in (order to intimidate; hence to threaten.
ger'tak gigi, to grind the teeth. Also kertak gigi.
ge'sek, mng-ge'sek, to rub, cause friction (usually of rough things). Cf. gesel, gesir and gosok.
ge'sek bi-o'la, to play the fiddle.
png-ge'sek, the fiddle bow.
ge'sel, mng-ge'sel, to rub together.
ge'sir, mng-ge'sir, to rub between the palms of the hands.
g-gak', in the phrase:
g-gak gm-pi'ta, a loud confused noise.
g-gap' = ggak, q.v.