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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/45

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de'ri-hal', about, concerning.
de'ri lu'ar, from outside.
de'ri ma'na, whence?
de'ri-pa'da, from (of persons), on account of (150), owing to (140), than (89, 90); baik de'ri-pa'da or l'beh ba'ik de'ri-pa'da, better than.
de'ri sa'na, thence.
de'ri s-bab', on account of.
de'ri situ, thence.

der'ji (Hind.), Indian tailor.

der'ma (Sk.), almsgiving, alms; usually sdkah.

der-ma'wan (Sk.), charitable, beneficent.

de'sa (Sk.), a district, territory, country.

de'wa and de-wa'ta (Sk.), the gods of Hindu mythology.

de'wan (Pers.), hall of justice, law court.

de-wa'sa (Sk.), time, period; usually zman or masa.

de'wi (Sk.), goddess; fem. of de'wa.

d-gil', obstinate.

d-ha'ga, thirst.

ber-d-ha'ga, thirsty.

d-ham', a slight cough, made to attract attention or to clear the throat.

ber-d-ham', to cough as described above.

dhat' or zat (Ar.), substance, essence.

zat' Allah or dha-tu ’l'lah, the divine essence or nature.

dho'bi, washerman; see dobi; also bnara.

d-hu'lu, previous, former; before (adv.); see hulu.

d-hulu kala, formerly, in olden times.
d-hu'lu de'ri-pa'da, before (prep.).
nan'ti d-hu'lu, wait a moment.
sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient.
z'man d-hu'lu, olden times.
d-hu'lu-i, to precede, go before.
d-hu'lu-kan, to prefer, put first.

di- (105), a particle prefixed to verbs to form the passive.

di (26, 27), at, in.

di'a (6, 9, 13, 15), he, she, it, they, him, her, them; also ia.

di'a o'rarg, they (colloquial, not found in Malay writings).
di'a pu'nya, his, hers, theirs.

di-am', ber-di-am', silent, quiet; to be silent, be quiet, dwell, live. Cf. tinggal and dudok.

di-am-di-am', quietly, secretly.
ber-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence.
di-a'mi, to inhabit.
di-am'kan, to silence, put to silence; to permit.
k-di-a'man, habitation, dwelling place.

di'an, a candle. Cf. lilin.

ka'ki di'an, a candlestick.

di'arg, mn-di'arg, to toast, warm at an open fire. Cf. panggang.

ber-di'ang and ber-di'ang diri, to warm oneself at a fire.

di'dal (Port.), thimble; also lidal.

di'deh, mn-di'deh, to boil, bubble.

a'yer di'deh, the water in which rice has been boiled = (E.) ayer am.

di'kar, mn-dikar, to fence (with kris or sword); also dekar.

di'kau, thee, phonetic form of angkau, chiefly used after words ending in n.