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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/41

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ch-la'na, trowsers; usually sluar.

ch-lek', open (of the eyes).

ch-lek'kan ma'ta, to open the eyes.

ch-lop', mn-ch-lop', to dip into, soak, steep, dye.

ch-lor', to scald, immerse in hot water or oil.

ch-lor' a'yam, to dip a fowl in hot water before plucking it.

ch-mar', dirty. Cf. kotor and najis.

chm'bul, a small box.

chm-bu'ru, jealousy.

chm-bu'ru-an, jealous.

ch-mer'lang, glittering.

chm-pa'ka (Sk.), a tree with sweet-scented flowers.

chm'p-dak, a fruit similar to the jack-fruit, but smaller.

ch'm-ti (Tam.), a whip. Cf. chabok.

chnchang, see chinchang.

chn-chu'rut, the musk rat.

chn-da'na (Sk.), sandalwood.

chn-da'wan, mushroom, fungus.

ch-gang' and ter-ch-ngang', amazed, astonished.

chng-ka'dok, grasshopper.

chng'keh, the clove tree.

bu'nga chng'keh, cloves.

chng'kong, sunken (of the eyes).

chng'k-ram, earnest money.

chng'k-rek, a cricket.

cho'ba, mn-cho'ba, to try, attempt; also used in giving orders in the same way as the English word “please?” (157).

cho'ba'i, to tempt.
pn-cho'ba'an, temptation.

cho'ki or chu'ki, the Malay game of draughts; also dam, q.v.

cho'kin (Chin.), bathing cloth. Cf. basahan.

chok'mar, a battle axe or club.

chom'pang, in the phrase:

chom'pang-champing, ragged.

chon'd-rong and chon'dong, slanting, out of the perpendicular. Cf. mering, senget and serong.

chon'dong ma-ta-ha'ri, when the sun is low.

chong'kak, pride; proud. Cf. sombong.

chong'kak, cowrie shells: also a game played with shells on a board containing 18 holes.

chong'po (Chin.), a cook.

chon'toh, pattern, sample.

chon'teng, to smear, daub.

cho'rak, the colour or pattern of a print or sarong.

cho'reng, streaked, striped, stained.

cho'rong, a pipe, lamp chimney.

ch-pat', quick, quickly. Cf. bangat, dras, lkas, laju.

ch-pi'au (Port.), a hat, cap. Cf. topi and songkok.

ch-rai', ber-ch-rai (149), to part from, separate from.

ch-rai-b-rai', scattered.
ber-ch-rai d'ngan bi'ni, divorced.
ch-rai'kan, to separate, detach.

ch-re'wet, importunate.

ch-ri'ta (Sk.), a tale, story. Cf. chertra.

ch-rok', corner of a room, nook, hidden place.