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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/39

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cha'char, small pox.

cha'char a'yer, chicken pox.
ta'nam cha'char, to vaccinate.

cha'chat, blemish, spot, stain, defect. Cf. chla.

cha'ching, a worm = (B.) taching.

chah'ya (Sk.), light, luminosity. Cf. sinar.

ber-chah'ya, luminous; to shine.

cha'ir, thin (of fluids), liquid; as opposed to pkat, thick, glutinous.

cha'kap, ber-cha'kap, to speak; (sometimes) to profess one's ability to do a thing, be capable of. Cf. tutor.

per-cha'ka-pan, speech, oration, phrase.

cha'kar, to scratch (as a bird).

cham', cham'kan, to recognize, observe, take note of.

cham'pak, mn-cham'pak, -kan, to throw, throw down, throw away. Cf. buang and hmpas.

champing, see chompang.

cham'pur, mn-cham'pur, -kan (149), to mix, mingle.

cham'pur ba'ur, in confusion.

chamti, see chmti.

cha'nai, to polish (metals).

cha'nang, a gong.

chan'du, opium prepared for smoking. Cf. apiun and madat.

chang'gong, awkward, incongruous. Cf. janggal.

chang'kat, a low hill; cf. bukit.

chang'ke (B.), tea cup.

chang'kol, a large hoe used for digging.

chang'kok, mn-chang'kok, to graft. Cf. tut.

chan'tek, pretty.

chap', a seal, stamp; to print; also chapkan and chitak.

chap' ba'tu, lithography.
tu'kang chap', printer.

cha'pai, mn-cha'pai, to seize, take hold of.

cha'pe (Jav.), weary; usually pnat.

cha'pek, halting, limping. Cf. tempang and penchang.

cha'ra (Sk.), manner, style, custom.

cha'ra China, in Chinese style.

cha'rang, a small branch, twig. Cf. chabang and dahan.

cha'rek, mn-cha'rek, -kan, to tear, rend. Cf. koyak.

cha'ri, mn-cha'ri (Sk.) (146), to seek, look for.

cha'ri 'a'kal, to devise means. cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living. pn-cha'ri-an, livelihood.

cha'rut, mn-cha'rut, to use obscene language.

chat' (Chin.). paint.

tu'kang chat', painter.

cha'tur (Sk.), the game of chess; also main gajah, q.v. The pieces used are called raja, mntri, gajah, kuda, tir, and bidak.

bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen.
pa'pan cha'tur, chess board.

cha'wan (Chin.), cup, bowl. Cf. mangkok and piala.

cha'wang, a branch = chabang.

cha'wat, loin-cloth.

cha'yir, see cha'ir.

ch-bis', a fragment, small piece.