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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/158

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s-tu'ju, with the same aim or purpose, in accord with, in keeping with.

tu'kang, workman, artisan. Cf. juru.

tu'kang a'yer, water carrier.
tu'kang ba'tu, mason, bricklaver.
tu'kang b-si', blacksmith.
tu'kang chap', printer.
tu'kang chat', painter.
tu'kang chu'kor, barber.
tu'kang ja'hit, tailor.
tu'kang ka'sut, shoemaker.
tu'kang ka'yu, carpenter.
tu'kang k-bun', gardener.
tu'kang ’mas', goldsmith.
tu'kang o'bat, apothecary, druggist.
tu'kang p-ri'ok b-la'nga, potter.
tu'kang ro'ti, baker.
tu'kang s-pa'tu, shoemaker.
tu'kang wang', cashier.
bu'rong tu'kang, nightjar.

tu'kar, m-nu'kar, to change one thing for another, exchange, barter. Cf. ganti and obah.

tu'kar wang', to change money.

tu'kol, a hammer; also tukol bsi. Cf. pukol.

tu-la'dan, model, example. Cf. chontoh.

tu'lah (Ar.), misfortune as the result of a curse, calamity.

tu'lang, bone.

tu'lang b-la'kang, backbone.
tu'lang k-ring', shin bone.
tu'lang mu'da, cartilage.
tu'lang p-ra'hu, ribs of a boat.
tu'lang ru'sok, ribs.
ban'ting tu'lang, to exert oneself.
o'tak tu'lang, marrow.

tu'lat, three days hence. Cf. lusa.

tu'len (Jav.), real, genuine = Malay sunggoh and btul.

tu'li, deaf. Cf. pkak and buta.

tu'lis, m-nulis, to write, draw, delineate. Cf. surat and karang.

tu'lis gam'bar, to draw a picture.
tu'lis m-nu'lis, writing, clerical work.
ju'ru tu'lis, secretary, clerk.
tu'li-san, writing, handwriting.

tu'lus, sincere, honest, straightforward; also tulus ekhlas.

tu'lus ha'ti, sincere.

tu'ma, a louse.

tum'bang, to fall (of trees). Cf. rbah and roboh.

tum'boh, ber-tum'boh, to grow, spring up, sprout. Cf. tunas.

tum'boh-tum'bo-han, plants in general.
k-tum'bo-han, small-pox. Cf. chachar.

tum'bok, m-num'bok, to strike with the end of a pole or with the fist; to pound in a mortar. Cf. tinju and gochoh.

tum'bok la'da, the smallest kind of Malay dagger.
tum'bok pa'di, to husk rice by pounding in a mortar.

tu'mit, the heel.

tum'pah, m-num'pah, -kan, to spill, pour out. Cf. churah.

tum'pang, m-num'pang, to lodge, sojourn, live temporarily as in an inn or on board ship.

tum'pang-kan, to board a person in a house or on a vessel.
ru'mah tum-pa'ngan, an inn.