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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/156

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to'kong, a small island, a rock in the sea.

to'lak, m-no'lak, to push away, push back, repulse, reject. Cf. sorong.

to'lak b-ha'ra, ballast.

to'leh, m-no'leh, to look at one side, look back.

to'long, m-no'long, to help, assist. Cf. bantu.

p-no'long, assistant, helper.
p-no'long bi-cha'ra, advocate.
to'lo-ngan and per-to'lo-ngan, assistance.

tom'bak, a spear. Cf. lmbing.

tom'pok, a heap, a group (of persons), clump (of trees).

ton'da, m-non'da, to tow (a ship or boat).

tong', cask, barrel, tub, pail.

tong'kang, a barge, lighter.

tong'kat, a staff, stick, walking stick, prop.

tong'kat k-ti'ak, crutches.

to-pe'kong (B.) (Chin.), an idol.

to'pi (Hind.), a hat, especially sun hats. Cf. chpiau.

bu'ka to'pi, to take off one's hat.

t-pat', exactly.

ba'rat t-pat', due west.

t'pi, edge, border, rim. Cf. pinggir.

t'pok, m-n'pok, to pat, strike with the palm of the hand. Cf. tampar and ktok.

t'pok da'da, to beat the breast.
t'pok ta'ri, to dance and clap the hands.

t-pong', flour.

t-ra'jang, to kick downwards with the sole of the foot. Cf. sepak and tndang.

t-rang', clear, plain, bright (of light). Cf. nyata.

t-rang' ta'nah, dawn.
bu'lan t-rang', moonlight.
t-rang'kan, to make clear, explain, prove, illuminate.

t-ras', the heart of timber, the hard wood at the centre oi a tree.

t-ra'tai, the lotus.

t-ra'tak, shed. Cf. pondok.

t-rek', strong, excessive, as:

i'kat t-rek', to tie tightly.
pa'nas t-rek', excessive heat.
t-ren'dak, a conical sun hat.
t-ren'dak lam'pu, a lamp shade.

t-ri'ak, ber-t-ri'ak, to shout, cry out, scream. Cf. sru.

tri'gu (Port.), wheat. Cf. gandom.

t-ri'ma, m-n-ri'ma, to receive, accept, take. Cf. sambot.

t-rima ka'seh, thank you (160).

t-ri'pang, bèche de mer, edible sea slug.

t-rok', severe (of illness or hard work).

t-rom'pah, wooden sandals, clogs. Cf. cherpu.

t-rom'pet (Eng.), bugle, cornet.

t-rong', the egg-plant, brinjal.

t-ro'pong, telescope, field glasses.

t-ru'na (Sk.), young man, youth.

t-rus', through, straight through, straight, in a direct line.

t-rus' t-rang', frankly, openly.
ja'lan t-rus', to go in a direct line.
t-ru'si, to traverse, pass through.
t-ru'san, a canal as a short cut between two rivers or two