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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/148

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ta'ngan, the hand, the arm. Cf. lngan.

ta'ngan ba'ju, the sleeve of a coat.
ta'ngan ka'nan, the right hand.
ta'ngan sb'lah, one hand.
b-kas' ta'ngan, handwriting, signature. Cf. khat.
ja'bat ta'man, to shake hands.
ka'ki ta'ngan, hands and feet.
lam'bai-kan ta'ngan, to wave the hands.
ma'sok ta'ngan, to interfere. sa'pu ta'ngan, handkerchief.
tan'da ta'ngan, signature.
ta'pak ta'ngan, the palm of the hand.
un'jok ta'ngan, to hold out the hand.
ta'nga-ni, to handle, lay hands on, arrest.

tang'ga, ladder, stairs, steps; numeral coefficient of native houses (84).

tang'ga ba'tu, stone steps.
a'nak tang'ga, a step or rung of a ladder.
na'ik tang'ga, to go upstairs.
ru'mah tang'ga, home, homestead.

tang'gal, to fall out, fall off (as teeth, branches, etc.).

tang'gal-kan, to remove, take off (as clothes).

tang'goh, m-nang'goh, -kan, to postpone, adjourn, put off, defer.

ber-tang'goh, to delay, wait, temporize.

tang'gong, m-nang'gong, -kan, to support, bear, endure, gua- rantee. Cf. tahan and jamin.

tang-go'ngan, a burden.

ta'ngis, m-na'ngis, weeping; to weep, cry, shed tears.

ta'ngis-kan and ta'ngi-si, to weep for a person or thing. ta'ngi-san, weeping.

tang'kai, the stalk or stem of flowers or fruits. Cf. batang.

tang'kai ba'jak, the handle of a plough.

tang'kal, charm, amulet. Cf. azimat.

tang'kap, m-nang'kap, to seize, catch, capture, arrest. Cf. tawan.

tang'kas, agile, nimble. Cf. pantas.

tang'ki (Eng.), a tank.

tang'kis, m-nang'kis, to parry, ward off a blow. Cf. helak.

tang'kul, m-nang'kul, a bag net; to fish with a bag net.

tang'long (Chin.), a Chinese lantern. Cf. kandil.

tan'jong, promontory, point of land, cape.

ta'nya, ber-ta'nya, to ask questions, ask for information, inquire. Cf. minta, which means to ask for, request (86).

ta'nya-kan and ber-ta'nya-kan, to ask concerning a thing, propound a question.

ta'pa (Sk.), ber-ta'pa, penance, asceticism; to do penance, be an ascetic.

per-ta'pa’an, an act of penance.

ta'pai, cooked rice or other grain caused to ferment.

ta'pak, the palm of the hand, sole of the foot; footprint = bkas kaki.

ta'pak ka'ki, the sole of the foot.
ta'pak ta'ngan, the palm of the hand.