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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/145

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ta‘a'la (Ar.), exalted; in the phrase: Allah ta‘ala, God, exalted be He!

ta‘alok, see t‘alok.

ta'bal (Ar.), drum. Cf. gndrang and rbana.

ta'bal-kan, to announce by the beating of a drum.

ta'bek, greeting, salutation (159). Cf. salam.

ta'bi‘at (Ar.), nature, disposition, character. Cf. pkerti and pnangai.

ta'bib (Ar.), doctor. Cf. dukun and doktor.

ta'bir, curtain. Cf. tirai.

t‘a'bir (Ar.), explanation, interpretation.

't‘a'bir-kan, to explain, give the meaning of.

ta'bo-han, hornet = tbuan.

ta'bong, a length of bamboo used to contain fluids.

ta'bur, m-na'bur, scatter, sow (as seed). Cf. hambur.

p-na'bur, a sower; small shot.
ber-ta'bu-ran, scattered, dispersed.

ta'but (Ar.), the ark of the covenant.

ta'chi (B.) (Chin.), elder sister; usually kakak.

ta'ching (B.), worm = chaching.

ta'dah, m-na'dah, to catch or hold in the open hands, or in a vessel (as liquids); to extend the hands in such an attitude, as in prayer. Cf. hulor.

ta'di, just now, just, a moment ago, lately. Cf. bharu.

ta'di pa'gi, this morning.
ma'lam ta'di, last night.

taf'sir (Ar.), a commentary (especially on the Koran).

ta'gar, thunder.

ta'geh, craving; usually ktageh.

tah, an interrogative particie = kah.

ta-han', m-na-han', -kan, to bear, endure, withstand.

ta-han' da'rah, to stanch blood.
ta-han' naf'su, to restrain one's desires.
ter-ta-han', restrained, endured.

ta'hi, excrement, refuse.

ta'hi b-si', rust.
ta'hi ger-ga'gi, sawdust.
ta'hi la'lat, moles, freckles.
ta'hi t-li'nga, earwax.

ta'hil, a measure of weight; see end of Grammar.

ta'hu (62), to know, understand, be accustomed. Cf. knal.

ta'hu ‘a'dat, to know how to behave, be polite.
ta'hu ber-ka-ta-kata, to be able to speak (of children).
ta'hu du'dok, to be able to sit up (of children).
b-ri ta'hu, to make known, inform. Cf. khabar.
s-ta'hu, cognizant, privy to.
si-a'pa ta'hu, who knows, I don't know.
k-ta'hu-i (102 f) (126), to know a thing, be aware of.
k-ta'hu-an, known, that which is known.
ber-k-ta'hu-an, known, being known.
png-ta'hu-an, knowledge, learning, information.
ber-png-ta'hu-an, to have knowledge, know.

ta'hun, year.