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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/133

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sa'rong su'rat, an envelope.
sa'rong ta'ngan, glove.
ka'in sa'rong, or simply sarong, the Malay skirt worn both by men and women; also kain.

sa'sa-ran, a target.

sas-t-ra'wan (Sk.), astrologer.

sa'tu, a, one; also s-, asa and suatu.

sa'tu pun ti'dak, not one.
sa-tu-sa'tu, one by one.
la'gi sa'tu, one more.
l-pas' sa'tu sa'tu, one after another.
sa'lah sa'tu, one of them, one of the two.

sau-da'gar (Pers.), a merchant, also su-da'gar. Cf. dagang.

sau-da'ra (Sk.), brother, sister, near relative; also sudara. Cf. abang, adek and kakak.

sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins.
a'nak sau-da'ra, nephew, niece.
ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle.
mak' sau-da'ra, aunt.
sa'nak sau-da'ra, near relations.
ber-sau-da'ra, brothers, related.

sa'’uh, anchor, grapnel.

sa'’uh terbang, grapnel.
borg'kar sa'’uh, to weigh anchor.
la'boh-kan sa'’uh and b-la'boh, to anchor.

sa'wa, u'lar sa'wa, a python.

sa'wah, an irrigated rice field. Cf. bndang, huma and ladang.

sa'wan, a fit, convulsions.

sa'wi and s-sa'wi, mustard.

sa'yang, pity, compassion; alas (132); to pity, be sorry for, regret, be sparing of, he economical in regard to. Cf. kaseh and blas.

ka'seh sa'yang, love and sympathy.

sa'yap, wing. Cf. kpak.

sa'yu, sadness.

sa'yup, hardly perceptible (of sight or sound).

sa'yur, vegetables, herbs.

sa-yur-sa'yu-ran, vegetables in general; also sa'yur-ma'yur.

say'yid (Ar.), chief; a title given to the descendants of Mohammed.

s-bab' (Ar.), cause, reason, motive; because, for. Cf. kerna.

s-bab' i'tu, therefore.
a'pa s-bab', why?
de'ri s-bab' and o'leh s-bab', because of, on account of.
ber-s-bab', with a reason, for cause.
s-bab'kan, to cause, occasion, produce.

s-bak', a'yer s-bak', inundation (of a river overflowing its banks). Cf. bah.

s-bat', a blow (with a stick or rattan).

sblah, see blah.

s-bot', m-ny-bot', -kan, to mention, utter, say.

ter-s-bot', mentioned.

sb'rang, on the other side (of a road or river), beyond.

de'ri sb'rang, from the other side.
k-sb'rang, across, to the other side.
ber-sb-ra'ngan, on the opposite side.
m-nyb'rang, to cross, pass over.
sb'rang-m-nyb'rang, on both sides.