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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/130

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sa’'id, see sayyid.

sa’'ing, ber-sa’'ing, together, going or working in company.

sa'’is (Ar.), groom, coachman.

saja, see sahaja.

sa'ji, dish, course, prepared food. Cf. hidang.

tu'dong sa'ji, a dish cover.
ber-sa'ji, to prepare food.
sa'ji-an, prepared food, a course.

sa'kai, followers, servants; aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. r‘ayat, smang, jakun and bnua.

sa'kal, contrary, foul (of the wind).

sakh'lat (Pers.), woollen cloth; also saklat.

sa'kit, ill, sick; sore, painful; illness, disease. Cf. grirg and bisa. For list of diseases see Appendix.

sa'kit gi'gi, toothache.
sa'kit ha'ti, offended, angry with a person.
sa'kit k-pa'la, headache.
sa'kit pa'yah, seriously ill.
sa'kit p-rot', stomach ache.
sa'kit t'rok', seriously ill.
ba'lek sa'kit, relapse.
ja'toh sa'kit, and k'na sa'kit, to fall ill.
sa'ki-ti, to cause pain, afflict. Cf. seksa.
p-nya'kit, illness, disease.

sak-sa'ma (Sk.), patience, accuracy.

sak'si (Sk.), a witness.

sak'si dus'ta, false witness.
na'ik sak'si, to bear witness.
ber-sak'si, to bear witness, give evidence.
sak'si-kan, to bear witness to a thing or person.
sak'si-an, evidence, testimony; also ktrargan.

sak'ti (Sk.), supernatural power; possessed of supernatural power.

k-sak'ti-an, supernatural power. Cf. hikmat.

sa'ku (Port.), a bag, pocket, sack. Cf. karong and pundi.

sa'lah, fault, error, mistake; wrong, erroneous, guilty. Cf. silap.

sa'lah d'ngar, misunderstood, misapprehension.
sa'lah fa-ham', misunderstood, misconstrued.
sa'lah sa'tu and sa'lah s’o'rang, one of them, one of the two.
sa'lah u'rat, a sprain.
a'pa sa'lah, what is the matter?
o'rarg sa'lah, a convict.
ser'ba sa'lah, entirely wrong.
ber-sa'lah, guilty.
sa'la-hi, to find fault with.
sa'lah-kan, to parry a blow.
k-sa'la-han, offence, crime.
ber-sa'la-han, in error, differing from, on the contrary.

sa'lai, m-nya'lai, to smoke over a fire.

sa'lak, m-nya'lak, to bark (as a dog).

sa-lam' (Ar.), peace; greeting, salutation.

b-ri' sa-lam', to salute, greet.
as-sa-lam' a-la'i-kum (159), peace be with you.

sa'lang, m-nya'lang, to execute by down from the stabbing down shoulder to the heart with a kris.

salasa, see thalatha.