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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/128

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s-ha-bis-ha'bis, completely, utterly.
s-ha-ri-ha'ri, daily, every day.
s-ha'rus-nya, properly, necessarily.
s-hing'ga, until, as far as.
s-h-lai' (84), a, one; num coeff. of thin flat objects.
s’i'bu s-ba'pa, of the same father and mother.
s’i'si du'ni-a, the whole world.
s-ja'lan, the same road.
s-ja'uh, as far as.
s-j'ma‘at. a week.
s-ju'rus la'ma-nya, for a moment.
s-ka'li, once; entirely, quite, very (92, 94).
s-ka'li gus', all at once.
s-ka'li pun (144), even.
s-kam'pong, of the same village.
s-ka'pur (83), a, one; num. coeff. of quids of betel nut.
s-ha'ta, agreeing.
s-ka'yu (83), a, one; num. coeff. of rolls of cloth.
s-k-dar', in proportion to, to the extent of.
s-ki'an, so much, so many.
s-ki'ra-nya, perchance.
s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling of an eye.
s-ko'di, a score, twenty.
s-k-ping' (84), a, one; num. coeff. of things cut in blocks or slices.
s-k-rat', a piece, a part.
s-k-ti'ka, a moment.
s-ku-rang-ku'rang, at least.
s-la'gi, as long as, while.
s-lak'sa, ten thousand.
s-la'ku i'ni, in this manner, thus.
s-la'lu, always.
s-la'ma, as long as, while.
s-la-ma-la'ma-nya, forever.
s-la'pis (84), a, one; num. coeff. of folds or thicknesses of a thing.
s-le'kor, twenty one (in dates).
s-lng'kap, a complete outfit.
s-lu'roh, all, the whole.
s-ma'kin, so much the more.
s-ma'lam, last night.
s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether.
s-m-na-m-na', in the phrase:

tia'da s-m-na'-m-na', without cause.

s-mu'la, as before, over again.
s-neg'ri, belong to the same city.
s’o-lah-o'lah, as if.
s’o'rang, a person, someone.
s’o'rang a'kan s’o'rang, with one another.
s’o'rang di'ri, alone.
s’o'rang dua, one or two men.
s’o'rang l-pas s’o'rang, one after another.
s’o'rang sa-ha'ja, alone.
s’o'rang s’o'rang, one at a time.
s-pa'kat, see s-fakat.
s-pan'jang ha'ri, the whole day.
s-pan'jang ja'lan, all the way.
s-pa'roh, see sparoh.
s-pa'sang, a pair.
s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word.
s-pa'tut-ya, properly, becomingly.
s-pin'tu (84), a, one; num. coeff. of houses built in rows.
s-p-noh'-p-noh', fully, completely.
s-po'tong, a piece, a slice.
s-pu'chok (83), a, one; num. coeff. of letters and firearms.
s-pu'loh, ten.
s-pu'pu, of the first degree of relationship, as, first cousins.
s-ra'sa, as if.
s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted.
s-ra'tus, a hundred.
s-ra'wan (83), a, one; num. coeff. of nets.