set apart for a newly married couple.
p-lan'-p-lan', slowly; see perlahan.
p-la'na, saddle. Cf. sela.
p-lan'dok, the mouse-deer = kanchil. Cf. rusa and kijang.
p-la'ngi, rainbow.
p-lan'ting, ter-p-lan'ting, stretched out, sprawling. Cf. jrumus.
plbagai, see bagai.
p-le'chok, ter-p-le'chok, sprained, strained.
p-lek', strange, uncommon.
p-le'kat, a certain kind of sarong made in British India.
p-li-ha'ra, mm-li-ha'ra-kan (Sk.), to take care of, protect, keep (86), preserve, nourish, maintain, bring up (as children) (B.) piara, q.v. Cf. bla.
ter-p-li-ha'ra, kept, preserved.
p-li'pis, the temples.
p-lir', the male organs of generation.
p-li'ta (Pers.), lamp. Cf. lampu.
pa'dam p-li'ta, to put out a lamp.
pa'sang p-li'ta, to light a lamp.
p-lm'pap, a hand's breadth. Cf. jngkal.
p-loh', ber-p-loh', sweat, perspiration; to perspire.
p-lok', m-m-lok', to embrace, hug. Cf. dakap.
p-lok' le'hir, to embrace.
ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the arms.
s-p-m-lok', a measure for girth of trees, about 5 feet.
p'l-pah', the branch of a palm-tree.
p-lu'ru (Port.), bullet.
p-nat' (146), tired, weary. Cf. llah and lteh.
pn'ding, a belt buckle.
pn-di'ta (Sk.), scholar, learned man; (in Neth. India) protestant clergyman. Cf. ‘alim.
p-nga'nan (Jav.), cakes, confectionery. Cf. kueh.
p-ngan'tin (Jav.), bride, bride-groom (B.) kmantin. Cf. mmplai.
p-ngeʼran (Jav.), a title of princes of high rank.
png'gal, m-mng'gal, -kan, to cut off, cut through, sever, amputate. Cf. krat.
png-ga'wa (Sk.), military officer, court official.
png-hu'lu, chief; see hulu.
png-ka'lan, landing-place; see pangkal.
png-li'ma, a military officer.
p-ning', dizzy, giddy. Cf. pusing.
p-ni'ti (Port.), pin.
pn-ja'ra (Sk.), prison, gaol. Cf. jel.
ter-pn-ja'ra, imprisoned.
pn-ja'ra-kan, to imprison.
pn-ju'rit (Jav.), robber, thief.
pn-ju'ru, a corner, an angle. Cf. sempang.
p-noh', full.
p-noh' s-sak', brimful.
p-no'hi, to fill up, make full. Cf. isi and muat.
pn'tas, the raised platform in native houses on which they sit and sleep. Cf. katil.