p'chah kha'bar, the news spread.
p-chat', m-m-chat', to depose, dethrone, reduce from a higher to a lower rank.
ter-p-chat', deposed.
p-dang', sword.
cha'bot p-dang', to draw a sword.
hu'nus p-dang', to draw a sword.
sa'rorg p-dang', scabbard.
p-das', pungent, hot.
p-da'ti (Jav.), cart, waggon. Cf. kreta.
p-deh', pain; to smart, be sore (as a wound or the heart). Cf. bisa.
p-do'man (Jav.), compass.
ma'ta p-do'man, the divisions on the compass card.
p-du'ka (Sk., shoes), a title of Malay princes. Cf. kaus.
p-du'li (Ar. fadluli), to care, trouble oneself, concern oneself.
p-du'li-kan, to care for, take trouble about.
pe'gang (B.), to hold = pgang.
pe'lat, lisping, inarticulate speech. Cf. telur.
pen'chang, lame. Cf. tempang and chapek.
pen'dek, short, low in stature; also pandak.
peng'san, a swoon, fainting fit; to faint. Cf. pitam.
pe'rak, silver.
pe'rang, brown, reddish-brown.
per'ba (Sk.), per'ba ka'la, ancient, in former times.
per'cha, in the phrases:
g'tah per'cha, gutta percha.
pu'lau per'cha, Sumatra.
per-cha'ya (Sk.). to believe, trust. Cf. iman and harap.
per-cha'ya’i, to trust (a person), have faith in.
k-per-cha'ya’an. trustworthy.
per'chek, to sprinkle; see rchek.
perchuma, see chuma.
per-da'na, in the phrase:
per-da'na mn't-ri, prime minister.
per'du, trunk of a tree, stem of a plant.
per'gam, the large wood pigeon.
per'gi (49), to go, go away, depart. Cf. jalan.
per'gi ba'iek, there and back, to and fro.
ba'wa per'gi, to take away.
p-m'gi-an, departure.
peristewa, see perstua.
per-ka'kas, tools, utensils, instruments. Cf. alat.
per-ka'kas k-ra'ja’an, royal insignia.
per-ka'kas ru'mah, furniture.
per-ka'ra (Sk.), thing, article, affair, subject. Cf. barang.
per-ka'sa (Sk.), brave, valiant; usually brani.
per'kat, mucilage, paste. Cf. lkat.
per-la-han', per-la-han'-la-han', p-la-han'-p-la-han' and p-lan'-p-lan', slowly, softly, gently. Cf. lambat.
per'lu (Ar. fardlu). obligatory (as a religious duty).
per-ma-da'ni, carpet. Cf. tikar.
per'mai, beautiful, lovely. Cf. elok.
per-mai-su'ri (Sk.), queen; also raja prempuan.