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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/112

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ru'mah pang'gong, a house built on poles.

pang'kal, the basal end of a thing, as the trunk of a tree, the haft of a weapon, etc.

pang'kal hi'dong, the bridge of the nose.
pang'kal pa'ha, the hip.
pang'ka-lan, landing place.

pang'kat, stage, platform, tier; rank, position; see angkat.

pang'ku, m-mang'ku, the lap; to carry on the lap or bosom, or in the arms; to hold supreme authority, govern in place of another.

pang'ku-an, the lap or bosom.
mang'ku bu'mi, prime minister.

panglima, see pnglima.

pang'sa, sections of certain fruits, as oranges, durians, etc.

pan'jang (36, Note), long; length and (both of time and distance). Cf. lanjut and lama.

pan'jang ha'ti, patient, forbearing.
pan'jang li'dah, talkative, garrulous.
pan'jang pen'dek, of unequal lengths.
s-pan'jang ha'ri, all day long.
s-pan'jang ja'lan, all the way.
pan'jang-kan, to lengthen, prolong.

pan'jat, m-man'jat, to climb, climb up. Cf. naik and daki.

pan-ji-pan'ji, banner. Cf. tunggul.

pan'tai, shore, beach, bank (of the sea or of a river).

pan'tang, m-man'tang, -kan, prohibited, tabooed; to prohibit, abstain from. Cf. larang and tgah.

pan'tas, agile, nimble, smart, quick.

pan'tat, the base, lower or hinder part of a thing; the buttocks. Cf. punggong and buntut.

pan'tun, rhyming verses of four lines. Cf. gurindam and sloka.

ber-pan'tun, to improvise or recite pantuns.

pa'pa (Sk.), poor, in want, necessitous. Cf. miskin.

pa'pan, plank, board.

pa'pan cha'tur, chessboard.
pa'pan cho'ki, a draughtboard.
pa'pan lan'tai, floor boards.
pa'pan loh', a slate.
mu'ka pa'pan, impudent.
ru'mah pa'pan, a house built of planks.

pa'ra, shelf.

pa'rah, severe (of wounds).

pa'rarg, m-ma'rang, a chopping knife; to cut with such a knife or a sword. Cf. ttak.

i'kan pa'rang, a very bony fish shaped like a sword.
yu' pa'rang, the saw-fish.

pa'ras, the face, countenance.

pa'rau, hoarse. Cf. garau.

pa'ri, the skate and similar fish.

pa'rit, a trench, ditch, channel.

paroh, see sparoh.

pa'roh, beak, bill (of birds). Cf. pagut and patok.

Parsi, see Farsi.

pa-ru-pa'ru, the lungs.

pa'rut, a scar. Cf. bilur.

pa'rut, to rasp, grate.

pa'ru-tan, a rasp; a board on which coco-nut is grated.

pa'sak, a spike, wooden peg.