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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/102

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mi'nyak ba'bi, lard.
mi'nyak bau-bau'an, perfumed ointment.
mi'nyak gas', mineral oil.
mi'nyak ja'rak, castor oil.
mi'nyak k-la'pa, coco-nut oil.
mi'nyak sa'pi, beef fat.
mi'nyak ta'nah, mineral oil.
mi'nyak tar', tar.
mi'nya-ki, to oil, anoint.

mi'sai, moustache. Cf. kumis.

misjid, see msjid.

miski, see mski.

mis'kin (Ar.), poor. Cf. papa.

mi'thal (Ar.), resemblance, similarity; simile, metaphor, type; also pronounced mesal.

m-j-lis', pretty.

m-j-lis', assembly; see majlis.

m-la'’i-kat (Ar.), angel.

mlainkan, see lain.

M-la'ka, a tree with edible fruit; the town of Malacca.

ba'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles.
gu'la M-la'ka, coco-nut sugar.

M-la'yu, Malay.

b-ha'sa M-la'yu, the Malay language.
ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya.

mm'p-lai (Tam.), bridegroom; sometimes bride. Cf. pngantin.

m-na', in the phrases:

d'ngan ti-a'da s-m-na'm-na', without cause.
ti-a'da t-per-m-na'i, incalculable. Cf. kira.

mnafik, see munafik.

m-nang', victorious; to win, gain the victory. Cf. alah.

m-nang'kan, to cause to win, give the victory to.
k-m-na'ngan, victory.

m-nan'tu, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.

m-na'rah (Ar.), a tower, minaret.

mn-di'kai, water melon.

mn-d-rong', reed grass, sedge.

m-ngah', ter-m-ngah'-m-ngah', panting.

m-nga'pa, why; see apa.

mng-ka'rong, a kind of lizard = bngkarong.

mng'ku-ang, the screw pine; see bngkuang.

mniaga, to trade; see niaga.

mn-je'la (B.), window = jndela.

m-nim'pi (B.), dream = mimpi.

mn'tah, unripe, uncooked, raw. Cf. muda.

mn-te'ga (Port.), butter.

mn't-ri (Sk.), minister, statesman; one of the pieces in the game of chess; see chatur.

per-da'na mn't-ri, prime minister.

mn-tu'a, father-in-law, mother-in-law = (B.) mertua.

mo'dal (Tam.), invested funds, capital. Cf. pokok.

mohon, see pohon.

mo'lek, beautiful, lovely.

monyet, see munyit.

mo'rong, melancholy, gloomy.

mo'yang, great-grandfather, ancestor. Cf. nenek.

ne'nek mo'yang, ancestors.

’m'pang, to bar, stop, check, dam.

’mpat, see ampat.

’m-pek (B.) (Chiu.), uncle; a form of address to fathers and other elderly persons.