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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/100

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a'nak ma'ta, pupil of the eye.
a'yer ma'ta, tears.
bi'bir ma'ta, the eyelids.
bi'ji ma'ta, eyeballs.
bu'lu ma'ta, eyelashes.
cher'min ma'ta, spectacles.
ch-lek' ma'ta, to open the eyes.
e'kor ma'ta, the corners of the eyes.
k-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes.
k-lo'pak ma'ta, the eyelids.
ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at a person.
p-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes.
pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed.
s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether, entirely.
sb'lah ma'ta, one eye.
s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling of an eye.
tn'tang ma'ta, right in one's eyes.

ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun; see mata.

ma'ti, dead; to die; a fixture, fixed. Cf. mampus.

ma'ti di-bu'noh, assassinated, executed.
ma'ti la'par, died of starvation.
ma'ti l-mas', suffocated, drowned.
ma'ti pu'chok, impotent.
a'ngin ma'ti, the wind has died away.
ba'ris ma'ti, see baris.
g-ran' ma'ti, freehold.
her'ga ma'ti, fixed price.
i'kat ma'ti, to tie with a knot that will not slip.
ja'ri ma'ti, the middle finger.
ma-ta-ha'ri ma'ti, the West.
o'rang ma'ti, a corpse.
s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead.
tan'da ma'ti, see baris.
ma'ti-kan, to kill.
k-ma'ti-an, death, decease.

ma-to'ka (Eng.), motor car.

mat'ros (D.), sailor. Cf. prahu.

mau' (45), to wish, desire; also was an auxiliary verb, will, shall, would, should. Cf. hndak.

mau',..mau'.., either.. or..
mau' ta'mau', whether willing or not, nolens volens.
a'pa mau'? what do you want.

maut' (Ar.), death. Cf. mati.

‘a'lam maut', hades; also ‘alam barzakh.

ma'war (Pers.), rose.

a'yer ma'war, rose water.
bu'nga a'yer ma'war, the rose.

ma'was, the “orang utang.”

ma'yang, a cluster of flowers on palm trees. Cf. klopak.

mayas = mawas, q.v.

ma'yat (Ar.), corpse, dead body (of human beings). Cf. bangkai.

ma'yong, a Malay theatrical performance. Cf. wayang.

maz'mur (Ar.), a psalm; see zabur.

maz'hab, sect; also madhhab.

’m'bek, to bleat (of sheep and goats).

’m'boh, to be willing, agree.

’m-boh-m'bo-han, although.

’m'bun, dew.

medan, see maidan.

me'ga (Sk.), clouds.

me'ja (Port.), a table.

ja'ga me'ja, to wait at table.
ta'roh me'ja, to lay the table.

mem' (Eng.), madam, Mrs., lady. Cf. nonya.

me'mang, already, in the same condition as before, always, invariably, naturally, of course.