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last paragraph, and affixing an. As, pmbunohan, murder; pngajaran, teaching, doctrine; pmandangan, sight; pncharian, getting a living, livelihood; etc.

(c) Prefix “per” and suffix “an.”

123. Nouns formed with the prefix per are usually of the nature of verbal nouns. The distinction between the prefixes per and p seems to be that per is used with roots which take the prefix ber (that is, for the most part, intransitive verbs) whereas p is used with roots which take the prefix m (that is, transitive verbs). Thus we have:

Bertmu, meet; pertmuan, a meeting.
Bermain, play; permainan, a game.
Berkata, speak; perkataan, a saying, word.
Berprang, fight; pprangan, fighting, battle.
Berlayer, sail; playeran, voyage.

For the elision of the r in ber and per before l, or before another closed syllable ending in r, and for the change from r to before a vowel, see para. 98.

124. In a few cases the derivatives (b) and (c) may both be formed from the same root, in which case there is a difference in the meaning, as,

prgajaran, teaching, doctrine; plajaran, lesson. pmbunohan, murder; perbunohan, place of killing.

From beradu, sleep, we have peraduan, sleeping place, and from mngadu, complain, we have pngaduan, complaint: which is in accordance with the distinction explained in paragraph 123.




ampu, carry on the hands, uphold, sustain. rompak, commit piracy.
tawar, reduce, assuage, cheapen.
beradu, sleep (of a raja).
berniaga, bniaga rade. temu, meet, encounter.
gali, dig. tuju, aim.
jamu, entertain. tunggu, wait.
kata, speak, say.
kayoh, paddle.


kumpol, gather. hulu, head, upper portion.
mngadu, complaint. janji, promise.
obatkan, cure. mula, beginning.
pandang, look at. prang, war.