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Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/37

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85. The classifier must always be immediately preceded by the numeral; the numeral and classifier together may then be considered as one term, which usually follows the noun, but may precede it, especially if there is no particular emphasis on the number, as,

s’ekor lmbu, a bullock.
lmbu s'ekor, one bullock.

Peculiar use of some verbs in this Lesson.

86. (a) Several Malay verbs are used as the equivalents of the English word “boil,” e.g., rbus when it is desired to emphasize the method of cooking; masak, cook, is frequently used when no particular emphasis is to be expressed, as masak tlor, boil an egg; mndideh means to boil in the sense of ebullition, to bubble.

(b) Minta, is to ask in the sense of “request.”
Tanya, is to ask in the sense of “inquire.”

(c) Simpan and taroh mean to keep in store, to put by.
Plihara means to keep safe, to take care of.
Taroh also means to put, to place = buboh.

(d) Both gosok and sapu may be used to translate the English word “wipe,” but they must be carefully distinguished. Gosok must be used where rubbing is implied, as in wiping plates; sapu is simply to sweep or brush either with a broom or a cloth.



gosok, rub, wipe.
babi, pig. karam, founder.
batang, stem, stalk. masak, cook.
batang, stem, stalk. masak, cook.
biji, seed. minta, ask, request.
bilah, (classifier.) mndideh, bubble, boil.
ekor, tail. pakai, use, wear.
hlai, lai, (classifier.) plihara, keep, take care of.
kping, piece. rbus, boil.
lapis, fold. sapu, sweep, brush.
mata-mata, policeman. simpan, keep, put by.
piring, plate, saucer. tangkap, catch.
prahu, vessel, boat. tanya, ask, inquire.
puchok, young shoot. taroh, put, put by.
Pulau Pinang, Penang.
tangga, ladder.


muda, young.


sgala, all.
buboh, put, place