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Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/35

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binasa, destroy. dnda, fine.
bri, give. garam, salt.
churi, steal. hormat, honour.
habis, finish. hukum, judgment, command.
ingat, remember. judi, gambling.
jaga, watch, take care. lada, pepper.
jawab, answer. limau, lemon.
kaseh, love, give. limau manis, orange.
kna, hit the mark. luka, wound.
luka, wound. minyak, oil.
lupa, forget. minyak tanah, mineral oil.
pukol, strike, hit. orang jaga, watchman.
rosak, spoil. surat, letter.
rugi, lose, incur loss. tanah, earth, land.
tipu, deceive.
tulis, write.


nakal, naughty.


1 The oranges are all utterly spoilt. 2 The salt and pepper are nearly finished. 3 Is the kerosine finished or not? 4 Have you finished writing that letter? 5 Naughty boys ought to be beaten. 6 He suffered much loss by gambling. 7 It is not only rich people who get robbed. 8 He was fined a dollar because he came late. 9 I told him in order that he might not be deceived. 10 Tell the watchman not to let the people in. 11 I shall certainly forget if you do not remind me.


Formation of the Plural.

80. In Malay it can often only be decided by the context whether the singular or the plural is intended, but when there is nothing whatever to indicate the number, the noun may generally be assumed to be in the plural, as,

bli pisang, buy bananas.
jual itek, sell ducks.

81. With certain nouns the plural may be expressed by reduplication of the noun itself, as,

raja, a king.
raja-raja, kings