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Even an indirect, or implied command requires jangan as a negative, for instance,

suroh dia jangan naik, tell him not to go up.
baik kita pergi atau jangan? shall we go or not?

In dependent clauses in which a purpose is expressed, that is to say after such conjunctions as “in order that,” “so that,” “lest,” the negative must be expressed by jangan, as,

spaya kaki-nya jangan kotor.
so that his feet should not get dirty.



obat, medicine.
anjing, dog. pagar, fence.
dhobi, washerman. pokok, plant, tree.
ikan, fish.
itek, duck.


kipas, fan. bayar, pay
kmeja, shirt. koyak, tear.
kolam, pond. makan, eat.
kuching, cat. minum, drink.
nama, name. sewa, let for hire.


1 Did the washerman tear this shirt? No sir, it was torn before. 2 Have you paid him? No. 3 Does that man know how to sew? No, he does not. 4 Are you going to eat? Oh no. 5 Do you want to buy anything? No. 6 Do you know the name of this plant? No, I don't. 7 Do you want to sell this cat? Certainly not. 8 Is this your dog? No. 9 He shut the gate of the fence so that the people should not come in. 10 Are there no fish in the pond? 11 Is not this your fan? 12 Have you eaten or not? 13 Is your house let? No. 14 Tell the cook not to buy a duck to-day.


The verbs “Sudah” and “Habis.”

74. The use of sudah as an auxiliary verb has already been explained in paragraphs 45, 46, and 48, and its use in expressing past intervals of time in paragraph 41. As a verb proper, its meaning in the imperative is “finish,” “that is enough.”