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A Dictionary, English and Malayo, Malayo and English

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A Dictionary, English and Malayo, Malayo and English (1701)
dikarang oleh Thomas Bowrey
3921A Dictionary, English and Malayo, Malayo and English1701Thomas Bowrey



Engliſh and Malayo,

Malayo and Engliſh.

To which is Added

Some ſhort GRAMMAR RULES & DIRECTIONS for the better Obſervation of the Propriety and Elegancy of this Language.


Several Miſcellanies, Dialogues, and Letters, in Engliſh and Malayo for the Learners better understanding the Expreſſions of the Malayo Tongue.

Together with

A Table of Time, computing the Years and Moons of the Hegira to the Years and Months of the Engliſh Stile, which Table will ſerve in the Malayo Country, all the South-Sea-Iſlands, India, Turkey, Arabia, Morocco, and generally in all Mahometan Countries: To which is annex'd, The Malayo Alphabet, with a Specimen of the Character.



Printed by Sam. Bridge for the Author, and are to be Sold by Dan. Brown at the Black-Swan without Temple-Bar, Tim. Child at the White-Hart in St. Pauls Church-yard, John Thornton at the Plat in the Minories, and Richard Parker at the Unicorn under the Piazza's of the Exchange in Cornhil. 1701.






Engliſh Eaſt-India Company.

Mr. Edward Ailen.
Sir James Bateman Kt.
Mr. Abraham Beak.
Peter Got Eſq;
Mr. Nathaniel Gould.
Sir Edmond Harriſon Kt.
Gilbert Heatcote Eſq;
Mr. Samuel Heathcote.
Mr. Daniel Hayes.
Capt. William Heath.
Sir Theodore Fanſſeen Kt.
Sir Streynſham Maſter Kt.
Mr. Joſeph Martin.
Mr. Ephraim Montague.
Mr. Richard Mead.
Mr. Peter Paggen.
Mr. Robert Raworth.
Mr. Benjamin Rokeby.
Samuel Shepheard Eſq;
Mr. William Stewart.
Thomas Vernon Eſq;
Sir William Withers Kt. and Alderman.
Mr. George White.
Mr. Peter Whitcomb.





Deputy Governour and Committees Of the Honourable

Eaſt-India COMPANY.

The Right Worſhipful Sir Thomas Cook Kt. and Alderman,Governour.
The Right Worſhipful Sir Samuel Daſhwood Kt. and Alderman, Deputy.
The Rt. Honourable Charles Earl of Berkeley.
Sir. Jonathan Andrews Kt.
Mr. Richard Acton.
Mr. James Bull.
Sir Francis Child Kt. and Alderman.
James Craggs Eſq;
Mr. Charles Du Bois.
Francis Daſhwood Eſq;
Sir John Fleet Kt. and Alderman.
Thomas Frederick Eſq;
Sir William Gore Kt. and Alderman.
James Gray Eſq;
William Hewer Eſq;
Nathaniel Herne Eſq;
Frederick Herne Eſq;
Sir Henry Johnſon Kt.
Sir William Langhorne Baronet.
Sir John Moore Kt. and Alderman.
Arthur Moor Eſq;
Richard Mounteney Eſq;
Sir William Prichard Kt. and Alderman.
Sir Thomas Rawlinſon Kt. and Alderman.
Gabriel Roberts Eſq;
James Walker Eſq;

THE following Work was undertaken Chiefly for the Promotion of Trade in the many Countries where the Malayo Language is Spoke, which your Honours having peruſed in Manuſcript, were pleaſed to approve of; and to Incourage the Publiſhing of it: Therefore I could Judge none ſo Proper to Patroniſe the enſuing Work, as your Honours, to whom it is Humbly Dedicated, by
Your Honours moſt Humble Servant
A 2
Thomas Bowrey.
Chapters (not listed in original)